A Work Of Fiction - with Author Will Thatcher

Author Will Thatcher is in the coffee shop today! Will writes addiction fiction. Unlike a lot of other books, this book is not is not intended to get people sober, it was written for entertainment purposes. 

While Will has written novels in his past, this novel came from needing a creative outlet in recovery. Sober for 5 1/2 years, Will always kept a journal, keeping track of all the different themes and ideas related to his recovery. It wasn’t until he found himself jealous that his sponsor had a creative outlet with acting classes that he realized he had his own creative outlet - he could turn his journal and ideas into a novel. And he did.

In this episode:
 - Website: Sober Curator Book Reviews: https://thesobercurator.com/

For more about this podcast:
 - Visit Sober.Coffee website: https://www.sober.coffee
 - Sober.Coffee on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sober.coffeepodcast/
 - Recorded at Audiohive Podcasting: https://www.audiohivepodcasting.com
 - In collaboration with Care Addiction Center: https://www.careaddiction.com