AA Proof (Not 100) - Turning Faith to Fact !!

Is there 100% proof that sobriety can work for you? 

Recovery Research Institute says, “AA has helped countless tens of millions of individuals recover from addiction” and Stanford University tells us, “AA is the most effective path to alcohol abstinence…the fellowships help more people achieve sobriety than any therapy does.”

Listen in as Glenn and Mike talk about AA, introduce a real life case study of someone 12 months into the program, and discuss what their response is to someone who says AA doesn’t work. Sometimes it’s a matter of following AA because you have faith it will work, until you get to where you see the fact that it does work.

If you know someone who needs to hear this episode, share it with them!

In this episode:

For more about this podcast:

Visit Sober.Coffee website: https://www.sober.coffee
Recorded at Audiohive Podcasting: https://www.audiohivepodcasting.com
In collaboration with Care Addiction Center: https://www.careaddiction.com